c program code for design Indian Flag.

Title: c program code for design Indian Flag.

Creating a Text-Based Graphical Pattern in C: A Comprehensive Guide

In programming, visualizing patterns and graphics using simple text-based methods can be both educational and engaging. This guide explores how a C program can create a visually appealing graphical pattern on a console screen. By leveraging basic text output functions and control structures, the program generates a combination of vertical lines, horizontal stripes, and a diagonal pattern. Let’s break down how this is accomplished and the key concepts involved.

Overview of the Program

The program’s main objective is to display a graphical pattern using characters and colors in the console. The pattern consists of vertical lines, horizontal stripes, and a diagonal arrangement of block characters. Each element of the pattern is carefully positioned and colored to create a cohesive visual effect.

Initial Setup and Screen Clearing

The program begins by setting up the environment for drawing. It initializes several variables to control the drawing logic and screen positioning. To ensure a clean slate, the console screen is cleared at the start. This is crucial for making sure that previous outputs do not interfere with the new pattern being drawn.

Drawing Vertical Lines

The first part of the program focuses on drawing vertical lines. It uses a loop to position the cursor in a specific column and iterate through rows to draw a vertical line. Each line is drawn using a specific character, and the color is set to enhance visual distinction. This vertical line serves as a foundational element of the graphical pattern.

Creating Horizontal Stripes

Following the vertical lines, the program draws horizontal stripes. These stripes span across different rows and columns, creating a series of horizontal bands on the screen. Each stripe is drawn using a block character and is colored differently to create a stripe effect. The colors are changed in successive lines to add variety and depth to the pattern.

Generating a Diagonal Pattern

The final part of the program involves creating a diagonal pattern. This pattern is more complex and involves nested loops to draw lines that shift diagonally across the screen. The pattern is constructed by printing a series of block characters in decreasing lengths, with each line starting at a new position. The colors for these lines are also changed to provide a gradient effect, creating a visually appealing diagonal arrangement.

User Interaction

At the end of the program, the getch() function is used to wait for user input before closing the console window. This allows the user to view the complete pattern before exiting, ensuring that the graphical output remains visible until the user decides to close the window.

Key Concepts and Techniques

  1. Text-Based Graphics: The program uses text characters to create graphical effects. This method is effective in environments where graphical libraries are not available, such as basic console applications.

  2. Cursor Positioning: Functions that position the cursor on the screen are essential for drawing patterns. By moving the cursor to specific coordinates, the program can control where characters are printed.

  3. Color Management: Changing text colors enhances the visual appeal of the pattern. The program uses different colors to distinguish between various elements and create a more engaging graphical display.

  4. Looping Constructs: Loops are fundamental for repeating actions, such as drawing lines or stripes. The program uses loops to handle repetitive tasks and create the desired pattern.

  5. Screen Clearing: Clearing the screen before drawing ensures that previous outputs do not clutter the new pattern. This practice maintains a clean and organized display.

Expanding the Pattern

The basic pattern created by the program can be expanded or modified in several ways:

  • Different Characters: Experimenting with various characters can yield different visual effects and textures.
  • Additional Colors: Using a broader range of colors or gradients can enhance the visual complexity of the pattern.
  • Complex Patterns: More sophisticated patterns and animations can be created by combining additional loops and logic.


Creating graphical patterns using text characters in C is a valuable exercise for understanding basic programming concepts. The program demonstrates how to use text-based graphics functions, manage colors, and position text to create a visually engaging pattern on the console screen.

By exploring and experimenting with such programs, you can gain practical experience in programming and develop a deeper appreciation for text-based graphical techniques. Whether you are a beginner looking to understand programming fundamentals or an experienced coder interested in text-based graphics, this exercise provides a fun and educational opportunity to explore the possibilities of console-based design.

Copy Below Code And Execute On Your Computer

Please note that the provided code snippet is specific to the Turbo C environment and may not work in other modern programming environments.

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